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What is GOLPP and how does it affect dogs?

La GOLPP afecta a perros geriátricos de razas grandes en los cuales los nervios que controlan la laringe se deterioran con los años.
GOLPP affects large breed geriatric dogs in which the nerves that control the larynx deteriorate over the years.

GOLPP (Geriatric Obstructive Laryngeal Paralysis and Laryngeal Obstructive Paralysis) is a degenerative disease that primarily affects large breed and geriatric dogs. This condition refers to a progressive dysfunction of the nerves and muscles of the larynx (voice box) and, in many cases, this dysfunction also extends to other areas of the body, such as the muscles of the extremities and respiratory system.

Commonly affected breeds

Although it can occur in any dog, GOLPP is more common in large breeds, such as:

  • Labrador Retriever

  • Golden Retriever

  • St. Bernard

  • Newfoundland

  • Irish Setter

  • Dalmatian

Affected dogs are usually middle-aged or older, and symptoms tend to appear gradually.

What is the associated pathology?

GOLPP is often related to laryngeal paralysis, a condition in which the cartilages protecting the larynx do not open properly during inhalation. This causes shortness of breath, and in more advanced cases, can lead to severe airway obstruction.

Some symptoms to keep in mind:

  • Respiratory failure: due to the inability of the muscles of the larynx to open fully, which limits the passage of air.

  • Respiratory crisis and faster respiratory rate for no apparent reason.

  • Constant coughing and wheezing: often aggravated by exercise or stressful situations.

  • Noisy breathing (stridor).

  • Dysphonia or loss of voice: the dog's bark may become hoarse or disappear altogether.

  • Paw licking or air licking.

  • Generalized weakness: in some cases, GOLPP also affects the muscles of the hind legs and the dog shows difficulty walking or getting up.

When is it convenient to place a stent?

Treatment of GOLPP will depend on the severity of symptoms. In mild cases, lifestyle changes, such as restricting exercise or administering medications to reduce inflammation, may be sufficient.

However, in more advanced cases, where the dog has severe airway obstruction, placement of a laryngeal stent may be necessary. The stent is a device that is implanted in the trachea or larynx in order to keep the airway open.

This is especially useful when:

  • The dog has severe breathing difficulties that do not improve with conservative treatments.

  • There is a risk of asphyxia or total laryngeal collapse.

  • Other options have been exhausted or are not feasible due to the age or general condition of the dog.

In these cases, the stent allows a better quality of life by facilitating breathing and reducing the risk of acute respiratory crises.

GOLLP- paciente con stent colocado
GOLPP - Implanted stent patient


GOLPP is a common problem in older dogs of large and giant breeds. It is a disease of the nervous system, characterized by the slow but progressive degeneration of some of the longer nerves in the body.

GOLPP is a disease that appears in older dogs, causing a series of respiratory and neuromuscular problems. While in the first stage, some mild cases can be managed with lifestyle changes, there are other severe cases that may require stenting to ensure that the airway remains open and avoid further complications.

The use of a stent is a minimally invasive alternative that quickly and safely provides a better quality of life for your pet.

If you suspect your dog may be developing this condition, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best treatment plan.

El GOLPP es un problema común en perros mayores de razas grandes y gigantes.
GOLPP is a common problem in older dogs of large and giant breeds.


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